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  • Writer's pictureMarissa Leigh

Welcome Spring (and baby!)

Warm spring greetings to you, dear community!

Hello again!!

I put my healing work on hold at the beginning of winter while I made space for myself to turn inward and retreat into a cozy little nest in which to to bring my first baby into the world. Eight weeks ago I brought this powerful and beautiful little being into the world!

Please meet my daughter, Kaiya Karuna!

These first eight weeks of motherhood have been so full of deep surrender, physical and emotional healing, letting go of my plans to open to the medicine of the moment, welcoming the unknown teachings the universe seems to be offering in an unexpected way, finding the sacred and spiritual where it hasn’t existed for me before and digging down deep to find my own strength and power in the biggest ways possible.

Time has been standing still within our little nest, as the snow fell, then the rain and now as the flowers begin to bloom I am feeling ready to emerge and rejoin the outside world again! I'm really looking forward to bringing everything I am learning with me back into my healing events and sharing it with you!

I am also really excited to share my other new babies with you- these magical advanced alchemy bowls

Alchemy bowls are crystal singing bowls that are made of different crystals mixed together, rather than just quartz crystals. These five are made of rose quartz, selenite, apopholite, grandfather pipestone, and platinum! This alchemy of the different crystals gives us the medicine of each stone as well as the healing sounds and vibrations they make.

These bowls sing with such a pure and high vibration! I’ve been feeling that high vibrations that lift our spirits and energy up are so so needed right now. They weave so beautifully with the grounding and earthy energy of the classic frosted bowls I already play.

I can't wait to share these bowls and their amazing light with you this spring!!

I'm dreaming up so many exciting offerings this spring and summer! Stay tuned for drum journeys, cacao ceremonies, vocal toning sound baths, womb healing ceremonies, full moon ceremonies, parent and baby sound baths and sooo much more!!

Wishing you ease, nourishment and peace- inside and out, Marissa Leigh

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